cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail



From: Dhanvi Kapila <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 12:07:59 +0530

Hi Friends ,

I am new to the list..

I am using cURL here at my work place for sending and reading data between a
client and server. All the data interaction between is encrypted.

I am using the CURLOPT_READFUNCTION option of cURL api to send data to the
I am provding below a snippet of my code for reference.. I am not sure where
I am goin wrong in ... when the server reads the data .. I get a "could not
decrypt packet" error

-- code snippet -----

typedef struct CBIGSTRING_T
    CBigString cbs; /* this contains 2 fields.. 1) char *inputString, 2)
long size.. The "inputString" contains the actual encrypted data and "size"
is the size of the payload */
    long offset;
    pool *p; /* Apache resource pool */

CBigString_t cbst_in ;

/* filling in the variale with the encrypted content. */ = (char *)malloc( totalRead +1); /* allocating
storage */ = (char *)memcpy( ,
actualStr , totalRead ); /*copying the encrypted data as is from the
tempBuffer given to me by Apache*/[totalRead] = '\0'; /* terminating the encrypted
String*/ = totalRead;
cbst_in.offset = 0;
cbst_in.p = p;

curl_easy_setopt( realmHandle , CURLOPT_READFUNCTION ,
Curl_SendDataToServer ); /* function to send data to the server*/
curl_easy_setopt( realmHandle , CURLOPT_READDATA , &cbst_in ); /*
variable contains the encrypted packet */

static int Curl_SendDataToServer(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
CBigString_t *in)
    LogTrace( in->p , " ----------> Entering Curl_SendDataToServer
    if (in == NULL) {
        return -1;

    long xfer = nmemb * size ;
    /* Check if the size presented by CURL is greated than that actually
needs to be copied */
    LogDebug( in->p , " [ OFFSET, SIZE ] => [ %d , %d ] ", in->offset ,

    if( xfer >= (in->cbs.size - in->offset) )
        xfer = (in->cbs.size - in->offset) ;
    if( in->offset < in->cbs.size )
        buffer = memcpy( (char *)buff, in->cbs.inputString + in->offset,
xfer );
        in->offset += xfer; /* reflect the updated offset value.. which says
stores how much has been read from the encrypted payload. */
        xfer = -1;
    LogDebug( in->p , " BUFFER SIZE : %d, %d , |%s| ", size*nmemb, xfer,
    LogTrace( in->p , " ----------> Leaving Curl_SendDataToServer
    return xfer;
---- end of code -----

when I do a tcpdump of the arrived packet and the dispatched packet.. the
packet data dont match.. hence the error is when I am sending the data using
this piece of code.. please help me.. I am at a loss to find out the

Awaiting your replies.. Thank you for your help and time.

-Dhanvi Kapila

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Received on 2003-07-10