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RE: the download page

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 23:25:42 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 8 Apr 2003, Roth, Kevin P. wrote:

Thanks for your suggestions. I'm responding to some of them:

> 2. If you're trying to the use of a mirror rather than your own bandwidth,
> you shouldn't link directly to the download; rather,

I'm not really worried about the bandwidth, it is more like a service to
users that might find faster downloads more local.

Also, using the site's download dir makes it easier for the web mirrors to
provide their local content like this instead of forcing them to go via the
latest.cgi script...

I moved the link to the package name, as it was yesterday.

> 3. I suggest combining all rows back into one table, because I liked the
> visual appeal of having the columns lined up all the way down the page.

Right. I took your advice and I think it looks fine.

> 4. In the cygwin section, can you flip source-ssl and bin-ssl, so that
> bin-ssl comes first?


> 4b. Also, while I'm thinking of it, I think I'd prefer to use the names
> "cygcurl(-devel)-n.n.n(-src|-nossl).tar.bz2", rather than the current use

I have no problems with that. I'll save that work just a momemt though, as I
want the page layout and my web script(s) to settle a bit first.

> 5. Instead of calling the first section "generic", and making it "blend in"
> with the rest of the entries, how about going back to calling it "Full
> Source Archive"


> 6. Last but not least. You might consider moving the file extensions
> (tar.bzip2, zip, etc) into a new column, possibly labled "Format".

I made a different approach. All operating systems that have all packages
using the same CPU or the same package kind, don't get them shown.

It isn't optimal yet, but I think I'm getting closer...

 Daniel Stenberg -- curl, cURL, Curl, CURL. Groks URLs.
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Received on 2003-04-08