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Re: Changing from POST to GET

From: Marty Kuhrt <marty_at_Barra.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:56:40 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Marty Kuhrt wrote:
> (a general advice, keep libcurl talk on the curl-library list and you'll
> reach a lot more libcurl users)

Learn something new everyday. Didn't think of that list until now.
For the sake of followup I'll reply to the original thread. Further
posts of this type I'll try and send there.

> > I'm using 7.3.10
> I suspect you refer to 7.10.3 ;-)

Ooops. Yep.

> > and when I change from POST to GET the program does the POST fine but
> > stalls on the GET. It seems to want input from the terminal I'm running
> > the session from interactively. If I do the POST and wait for the
> > connection to timeout before triggering the GET it works fine. The POST on
> > it's own works fine, and the GET on it's own works fine, it's just when I
> > try to change from a POST to a GET in the same connection it doesn't work.
> >
> > I'm using curl_easy_setopt calls to explictly set CURLOPT_POST, and
> > CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS on the POST call. After the POST I call setopt with
> > CURLOPT_HTTPGET and the new GET url.
> It sounds as if you're doing things by the book. The only downside is that I
> didn't do things properly *in* the book! ;-)
> Seriously, I think you might have been bitten by this 7.10.3 bug pointed out
> here:

Looks like it. The work around I'm using now is to tear down the
connection and reinit it. Since this is a "proof of concept" program,
efficiency isn't the main push.

> I'll try to get a new release out soon. Work load is high at the moment so it
> might take another week or two though.

Thanks. I'll probably be ready by then.


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Received on 2003-03-21