cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: SOLVED - was Re: curl with exec from a shell script

From: Harry Sufehmi <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 13:41:25 -0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Ralph Mitchell said:
> Something else you might take a look at is sms_client from:
> It has a bunch of builtin protocols for various SMS providers. I've used it
> successfully with just the html interface. One thing it gives you is a
> directory, so you can just specify someone by name, or a group (I think),
> rather than having lots of magic numbers in the script.

Very interesting! I've never seen such software before.

But anyway, modem use is forbidden by corporate security policy, so access to
outside world is governed solely by the corporate firewall.
Hence the need for curl.

Anyway, thanks for the link. I'm sure it'll come in handy someday.


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Received on 2003-02-12