cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: Getting the right frame output

From: Marty Kuhrt <marty_at_Barra.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 10:17:30 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Roth, Kevin P. wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Marty Kuhrt [mailto:marty_at_Barra.COM]
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 12:24 PM
>> When a single POST updates multiple frames, where does all the
>> output go? Is the browser doing something behind the scenes that
>> I wouldn't be able to duplicate with cURL? I seem to only be
>> getting the output from one, seemingly randomly selected, frame
>> update when I POST via cURL.
> If this site is on the internet and not password protected, someone on this
> list would most likely be happy to look through it once. Instructions on
> accessing it would be most helpful.

Unfortunately, it is password protected, but thanks for the

> Most likely, there is client-side scripting involved that is instructing
> the browser to request updates to other frames. I believe that's the only
> scenario where multiple frames could be updated at once. (could be JavaScript,
> or an ActiveX control or a flash file, but all of these are client-side
> programming).
> curl doesn't understand client-side script...

There's the key. There is a gob of javascript going on and some
other jakarta/tomcat happiness, too. I was hoping that someone
would have a 'magic bullet' to tell the server to send all frame
updates to one stream.

> To replicate this with curl, you'd either have to discover the pattern
> (assuming it's predictable) or somehow parse their script in your
> controlling program.

That is what I have been working on while crossing my fingers and
hoping for a simpler solution (mentally crossing my fingers that
is, since it's hard to type otherwise).

Thanks to everyone for the clarification.


> --Kevin
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With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility
Learn to use your power at OSDN's High Performance Computing Channel
Received on 2002-12-11