Newbie bytes/sec question
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 16:41:49 +0000
I am using pycurl to benchmark by downloading a website. I save the
webiste on my local machine just for reference and to make sure that it
looks ok. My question is does the reported data speed SPEED_DOWNLOAD get
effected by the write taking place in the WRITEFUNCTION callback command?
Or is the bytes/sec reported just the pure download socket speed?
Með kveðju/Best Regards
Bragi Baldursson
GPRS Kerfisverkfræðingur/GPRS Systems Engineer
Sími/Tel.: +354 550 63 08
Fax: +354 550 63 39 www:
Gsm: +354 892 63 08
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Received on 2002-11-27