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Re: Problems with curl source --- curl 7.9.6 (win32) libcurl 7.9.6

From: srecko <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 11:08:08 +0200

Thanks for the quick response, it is quite amazing. If I make curl with
nmake it works fine. But when I make Visual C++ project and put all source
files in project, than I get this errors. So the problem is in VC++
configuration. I have to check parameters, probably the problem is somewhere
I didn't make any change to curl source, I just want to compile it with
VisualC++. When it would work from VC than I should make my modifications.
Thank you again,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Stenberg" <>
To: "srecko" <>
Cc: "Curl Mailinglist" <>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Problems with curl source --- curl 7.9.6 (win32) libcurl 7.9.6

> On Fri, 10 May 2002, srecko wrote:
> > I have fetched curl source code (C source code + library) and then I
> > compiled it to get exe file (and lib file also), but when I execute it I
> > get an error ,,The memory Could not be written'' The instruction at
> > 0x77f83941 referenced memory at 0x00000010. The memory error occurs when
> > try to execute curl_easy_perform function. It seems that curl tries to
> > write on protected memory location. Maybe some of the parameters aren't
> > I'm on W2000, Visual C++.
> Please show us what your code that sets up the transfer looks like
> (libcurl-wise), or we won't have the slightest idea of where to start
> > When I execute curl_easy_perform on small examples provided with source
> > it is OK. The arguments are: -v -S -xsplit2:809 because
> > behind proxy. But the problem also occurs when I'm not behind that
proxy. If
> > I use binary curl fetched from it works fine.
> This indicates that the problem is not within libcurl, but has been
> introduced by your code.
> --
> Daniel Stenberg -- curl groks URLs --


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Received on 2002-05-10