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Problems downloading .asp files

From: Ron Schoenberg <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 17:59:58 -0700

I'm trying to read web pages with financial data. I have no problem if it's
a .php file. The URL reads

and when I type

  curl -o test.pge -d ticker=OEX -d THEORETICALS=1 -d RANGE=999 -d SHOW=1 -d FIRSTMONTH=0 -d MONTHS=2

the page downloads nicely.

However, when I try the OEX page at CBOE (which is really the definitive page) it doesn't work. The
URL is

and when I type

  curl -o test.pge -d TICKER=OEX -dPAGE=1 -d ALL=1 -d bRunQuery=true

I get the following error message:

<head><title>Object moved</title></head>
<body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This object may be found here.</body>

Does anyone know what is happening? Or better yet, does anyone know what I could do
to read the CBOE page?

Ron Schoenberg
Received on 2001-07-19