Re: JavaScript posting
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2001 10:50:13 +1000
I do this kind of thing as my day job, so I can strongly recommend
'ethereal' - it's
"Like some sort of "tcpdump" like program
that listens on port 80 and nicely displays the data being
sent across (both ways)?"
You can mess about with html pages and formfind for fun, but if you want
to know what is actually sent, take a look, don't guess.
(Of course, if its SSL, you're out of luck).
Read the art of scripting carefully to understand how to convert what
you're seeing into curl requests - you might need to login, get a
cookie, follow redirects etc. etc. to get it to work properly.
Dustin Boswell wrote:
> Check out
> 1) it's got a program called that does
> a similar thing (I doubt it'll suit your needs but
> might be interesting to look at).
> 2) is a cool little script that extracts
> the form data, so you (the programmer) can figure out
> what to send.
> To send a form look at the man page under the -d option...
> Sometimes I wonder how Netscape or IE is submitting a form...
> So I usually
> 1) save the html page.
> 2) search for <form action=url...>
> 3) change url to ""
> 4) save the modified html
> 5) open the new html in Netscape or IE.
> 6) type "nc -lp 2345" in Unix (hope you have Net Cat installed).
> 7) click the submit button on the form.
> 8) the request header from Netscape should come on the screen
> where you typed "nc -lp 2345"
> here I use 2345 as a random non-important port.
> --This is what I usually do... Is there a more efficient
> way of doing it? Like some sort of "tcpdump" like program
> that listens on port 80 and nicely displays the data being
> sent across (both ways)?
> -Good luck.
> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Nils Lohner wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to figure out how to forward emails to my cell phone (or
> parts of them at least...) and need to figure out how/what to post as
> data. The email end is easy to do with procmail etc. but I can't
> figure out how to do the web side.
> I've looked at the man pages and tutorial, but that only seems to
> discuss forms and not whatever's used on the page I'm looking at.
> The web site is:
> <
> &PAGE=launch>
> (or go to and then click on texto to get there)
> My main questions are:
> - how can I figure out what gets posted (i.e. can I post the data and
> capture it somehow to see what's in the fields?)
> - if not, how do I figure out what to send?
> - how do I send it (I assume that this is the easy part...)
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Nils.
> -Dustin
Received on 2001-07-04