cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: CURL 7.5.1

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 08:06:20 +0100 (MET)

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Ken Wongho wrote:

(please post curl related issues to the curl mailing list)

> I try to post the message to pager with cURL as below, but it did not
> work.
> curl -d "pager_number=064275& \
> message=Hello& \
> counter=5& \
> sender=KEN& \
> images/icsend2.jpg=SEND& \
> flag=send?flag?ja" \
> Please show me how to use cURL with this URL.

This looks like a perfect POST request to me. There's no way I can tell you
what the problems is since you didn't tell us what doesn't work or how the
headers looked that it returned or anything.

There are numerous possible reasons why this failed. Remember that most site
owner don't want you to do this kind of operation, they want you to use their
site to post messages. Therefore they add checks to see if you're using the
site. They check user-agents, refers, use cookies or other sorts of things.

There's no way we can guess what happened here.

  Daniel Stenberg -- curl project maintainer --
Received on 2001-01-09