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Re: curl packaging & rpm

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 10:46:53 +0100 (MET)

On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 wrote:

> I had problems rebuilding the binary packages from the 7.5.2 source rpm.

How come? There are .spec files included that should work.

> I fixed this in the CVS tree, adding and I
> also added a goal in the so that building the rpms is simply
> done by:
> make rpms

I'll move the files to the packages/Linux/RPM/ directory.

> and do not require root privilege. I also fixed some of the
> so that make distcheck works as expected.

I do appriciate your efforts, but I feel I have to say that your fix leaves a
lot in a bad state. I applied your entire patch and then I made a new 7.5.2
release using 'make dist' and compared the list of files included in the
archives. The dist-version lacked no less than 26 entries (as listed with
'tar -vztf <file>').

Anyway, I'll commit most of your fixes and continue working on them until
they do fine. BTW, I build releases with the 'maketgz' script.

> I use curl for the new version of my crawler and I like to be able
> to re-build the curl distribution by doing:

Why do you need to rebuild curl?

  Daniel Stenberg -- curl project maintainer --
Received on 2001-01-08