cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: No more vprintf() error

From: Troy Engel <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:19:16 -0700

Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> ... which will make '/tmp' to get prepended to all the install path names. So
> if you run './configure --prefix=/u/me' and then the install line as above,
> it'll try to install all the files in the /tmp/u/me/ directory tree.

I just thought of something -- doesn't he need to compile with some sort
of 'static' flag? If he tries to install curl libs to /tmp/foobar/lib,
the binary will never find them unless he always sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(which, if I understand the original intent, will be CGIs all the
time). The only nice way is for his ISP to install the libs into a
system path.

I would think a static compile to make life easier would be the


Troy Engel :: KeyID DF3D5207
Perl is just another tool in the Unix toolbox. Perl does one thing,
and it does it well: it gets out of your face. - Larry Wall
Received on 2000-08-14