Réf. : Re: no downloaded data over HTTPS with certificate
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 10:41:10 +0200
I'll send you the truss stuff offline.
The server and the client both user openssl 0.9.5a
I did some tests for when output is produced: (view this in fixed-space)
File directory certificate httpd response cURL
valid valid valid 200 none
valid valid invalid 403 (+SSL error) none
valid valid none 403 (+SSL error) none
inexistant valid valid 404 none
inexistant valid invalid 403 (+SSL error) none
inexistant valid none 403 (+SSL error) none
- inexistant valid 403 (by Apache) yes
- inexistant invalid 403 (by Apache) yes
- inexistant none 403 (by Apache) yes
It looks as if doesn't work on directories requiring client
still many thanks for your efforts,
Andreas Meister
tel: +41 (0)21/644 6041
fax: +41 (0)21/644 6300
Received on 2000-08-03