curl / libcurl / API / Examples / multi-formadd.c


 *                                  _   _ ____  _
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 *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
 *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
 * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
 * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
 * are also available at
 * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
 * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
 * KIND, either express or implied.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
/* <DESC>
 * using the multi interface to do a multipart formpost without blocking
 * </DESC>
 * Warning: this example uses the deprecated form api. See "multi-post.c"
 *          for a similar example using the mime api.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
int main(void)
  CURL *curl;
  CURLM *multi_handle;
  int still_running = 0;
  struct curl_httppost *formpost = NULL;
  struct curl_httppost *lastptr = NULL;
  struct curl_slist *headerlist = NULL;
  static const char buf[] = "Expect:";
  /* Fill in the file upload field. This makes libcurl load data from
     the given file name when curl_easy_perform() is called. */
               CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "sendfile",
               CURLFORM_FILE, "multi-formadd.c",
  /* Fill in the filename field */
               CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "filename",
               CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, "multi-formadd.c",
  /* Fill in the submit field too, even if this is rarely needed */
               CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "submit",
               CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, "send",
  curl = curl_easy_init();
  multi_handle = curl_multi_init();
  /* initialize custom header list (stating that Expect: 100-continue is not
     wanted */
  headerlist = curl_slist_append(headerlist, buf);
  if(curl && multi_handle) {
    /* what URL that receives this POST */
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headerlist);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, formpost);
    curl_multi_add_handle(multi_handle, curl);
    do {
      CURLMcode mc = curl_multi_perform(multi_handle, &still_running);
        /* wait for activity, timeout or "nothing" */
        mc = curl_multi_poll(multi_handle, NULL, 0, 1000, NULL);
    } while(still_running);
    /* always cleanup */
    /* then cleanup the formpost chain */
    /* free slist */
  return 0;
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop


This source code example is simplified and ignores return codes and error checks to a large extent. We do this to highlight the libcurl function calls and related options and reduce unrelated code.

A real-world application will of course properly check every return value and exit correctly at the first serious error.