curl / libcurl / API / All Functions

All libcurl functions in alphabetical order


curl_easy_cleanupfree an easy handle
curl_easy_duphandleclone an easy handle
curl_easy_escapeURL encode a string
curl_easy_getinfoextract information from a curl handle
curl_easy_headerget an HTTP header
curl_easy_initcreate an easy handle
curl_easy_nextheaderget the next HTTP header
curl_easy_option_by_idfind an easy setopt option by id
curl_easy_option_by_namefind an easy setopt option by name
curl_easy_option_nextiterate over easy setopt options
curl_easy_pausepause and unpause a connection
curl_easy_performperform a blocking network transfer
curl_easy_recvreceives raw data on an "easy" connection
curl_easy_resetreset all options of a libcurl session handle
curl_easy_sendsends raw data over an "easy" connection
curl_easy_setoptset options for a curl easy handle
curl_easy_ssls_exportexport SSL sessions
curl_easy_strerrorreturn string describing error code
curl_easy_unescapeURL decode a string
curl_easy_upkeepkeep existing connections alive
curl_escapeURL encode a string
curl_formaddadd a section to a multipart form POST
curl_formfreefree a previously build multipart form post chain
curl_formgetserialize a multipart form POST chain
curl_freereclaim memory that has been obtained through a libcurl call
curl_getdateconvert date string to number of seconds
curl_getenvreturn value for environment name
curl_global_cleanupglobal libcurl cleanup
curl_global_initglobal libcurl initialization
curl_global_init_memglobal libcurl initialization with memory callbacks
curl_global_sslsetselect SSL backend to use
curl_global_tracelog configuration
curl_maprintfformatted output conversion
curl_mfprintfformatted output conversion
curl_mime_addpartappend a new empty part to a mime structure
curl_mime_dataset a mime part's body data from memory
curl_mime_data_cbset a callback-based data source for a mime part's body
curl_mime_encoderset a mime part's encoder and content transfer encoding
curl_mime_filedataset a mime part's body data from a file contents
curl_mime_filenameset a mime part's remote filename
curl_mime_freefree a previously built mime structure
curl_mime_headersset a mime part's custom headers
curl_mime_initcreate a mime handle
curl_mime_nameset a mime part's name
curl_mime_subpartsset sub-parts of a multipart mime part
curl_mime_typeset a mime part's content type
curl_mprintfformatted output conversion
curl_msnprintfformatted output conversion
curl_msprintfformatted output conversion
curl_multi_add_handleadd an easy handle to a multi session
curl_multi_assignset data to associate with an internal socket
curl_multi_cleanupclose down a multi session
curl_multi_fdsetextract file descriptor information from a multi handle
curl_multi_get_handlesreturn all added easy handles
curl_multi_info_readread multi stack information
curl_multi_initcreate a multi handle
curl_multi_performrun all transfers until it would block
curl_multi_pollpoll on all easy handles in a multi handle
curl_multi_remove_handleremove an easy handle from a multi session
curl_multi_setoptset options for a curl multi handle
curl_multi_socketread/write available data
curl_multi_socket_actionread/write available data given an action
curl_multi_socket_allreads/writes available data for all easy handles
curl_multi_strerrorreturn string describing error code
curl_multi_timeouthow long to wait for action before proceeding
curl_multi_waitpoll on all easy handles in a multi handle
curl_multi_waitfdsextract file descriptor information from a multi handle
curl_multi_wakeupwake up a sleeping curl_multi_poll call
curl_mvaprintfformatted output conversion
curl_mvfprintfformatted output conversion
curl_mvprintfformatted output conversion
curl_mvsnprintfformatted output conversion
curl_mvsprintfformatted output conversion
curl_pushheader_bynameget a push header by name
curl_pushheader_bynumget a push header by index
curl_share_cleanupclose a shared object
curl_share_initcreate a share object
curl_share_setoptset options for a shared object
curl_share_strerrorreturn string describing error code
curl_slist_appendadd a string to an slist
curl_slist_free_allfree an entire curl_slist list
curl_strequalcompare two strings ignoring case
curl_strnequalcompare two strings ignoring case
curl_unescapeURL decode a string
curl_urlcreate a URL handle
curl_url_cleanupfree the URL handle
curl_url_dupduplicate a URL handle
curl_url_getextract a part from a URL
curl_url_setset a URL part
curl_url_strerrorreturn string describing error code
curl_versionreturns the libcurl version string
curl_version_inforeturns runtime libcurl version info
curl_ws_metameta data WebSocket information
curl_ws_recvreceive WebSocket data
curl_ws_sendsend WebSocket data