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Re: Considering a version 8 at some point...

From: Nicolas Sterchele via curl-library <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2020 17:08:52 +0200

On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 02:12:11PM +0200, Daniel Gustafsson via curl-library wrote:
> > On 30 Jun 2020, at 13:48, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <> wrote:
> > What do you think?
> Before bumping to version 8 at an arbitrarily chosen point in time (for some
> value of arbitrary given the 200th release), I think it's worth settling what
> the version scheme will look like post-8. Are we sticking to version 8
> "forever" like how we did with 7, or are we moving towards semver or similar
> schemes which may be more aligned with what users these days are used to?
> cheers ./daniel
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Agree with this statement.
I agree with jumping to the version 8 as long as we define what
would be the futur scheme post-8.

- Having an important step forward/addition to the project?
- Number of releases?
- Something unusual happening in the project (age of the project...)
- ...

Received on 2020-06-30