Re: bypassing name resolve hangs
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 15:19:22 +0200
On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 02:39:15PM +0200, Paul Dreik via curl-library wrote:
> Is there an easy way to (locally) add a hack to get the resolving done
> quicker? Perhaps by hard coding everything to resolve to a fixed adress?
> The fuzzing speed is below 100 tries per second, and that is at least a
> factor of ten too low.
I wrote a test program that resolves a name found in /etc/hosts and it does
70K lookups per second. If you disable curl's threaded resolver and configure
the system resolver to only look in /etc/hosts (and not to go to the network
for anything) then I would expect that would eliminate getaddrinfo() as the
Received on 2019-09-23