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bypassing name resolve hangs

From: Paul Dreik via curl-library <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 14:39:15 +0200

an import thing for fuzzing performance is the raw speed. As it
currently stands, there is a lot of waiting on the thread in the
resolver to join. I tried to hack around this by invoking getaddrinfo_a
instead of getaddrinfo, so I could add a timeout, but I failed. I got it
to work, but had some lifetime issues so I gave up.

Disabling the threaded name resolution makes the fuzzing not work at
all, for some reason.

Is there an easy way to (locally) add a hack to get the resolving done
quicker? Perhaps by hard coding everything to resolve to a fixed adress?
The fuzzing speed is below 100 tries per second, and that is at least a
factor of ten too low.

Received on 2019-09-23