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Re: A string issue that after received the http 204, the curl_formadd function seems couldn't work again

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 08:17:18 +0100 (CET)

On Tue, 7 Feb 2017, � wrote:

> Is there any other one have time to check this issue too? This problem's
> probability is 100% in my side. When the demo receive the 204 response from
> the server, next time this issue is certainly happened.

I haven't checked it out since there's apparently no solid way to reproduce it
(?) and I've been quite busy recently. If it is as easy to reproduce as you
say, you should be able to run a dedicated test server or even write up a curl
test case that makes it easy to repeat for us in order to debug this. I think
you should put some efforts into that. Ie reproduce on another server.

The thing is that there's nothing in libcurl that acts differently if the
previous HTTP code was 204 or 200. libcurl just doesn't know. I it acts
differently based on the previous response code, I rather suspect something
weird in the other end. And making sure we're not seeing a server issue is


Received on 2017-02-07