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libcurl with Codeblocks

From: as df <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 18:20:54 +0200

I have short code where this appears:

curl = curl_easy_init();

In this FAQ it tells me to point to the folder
where my compiled library is. I don't have a compiled libary.

Where do I get one? I have downloaded

In my C-Program #include <curl/curl.h> works. I'm using Codeblocks. I guess
you can not help me because this is a IDE specified problem. :(

I only have a folder libcurl4-7.48.0-1 and there is a file: cygcurl-4.dll.

But I guess I need *.a *.lib files. In my curl folder there is
curl\lib\libcurl.rc for example.

It looks like I don't have libcurl files on my computer. But I have
downloaded curl where libcurl is included???

I'm frightened I'll toggle between this mailinglist and Codeblocks forum
for help. One saying this is up to your IDE, the other it depends on the
3rd party libs you want to include.


List admin:
Received on 2016-05-05