using libcurl in an enterprise application server
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 10:12:25 -0400
We are attempting to use libcurl in an app running under the control
of a enterprise application server.Our app runs in a thread. Our app's
call to "curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL)" hangs. We do not have
access to the main() of the enterprise app server.
However, when our app-in-a-thread uses
"popen(INVOKE_A_SCRIPT_WITH_CURL_CMDS)", we happily POST requests and
get responses. We think the key to success is that popen spawns a
child process that keeps things independent of the ent app server.
We would prefer to implement using libcurl.
Any thoughts, suggestions, admonishments, or questions to help push us
along would be appreciated.
Thanks again,
List admin:
Received on 2014-10-03