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Re: Building libcurl on OpenVMS Alpha and Itanium

From: John E. Malmberg <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 21:14:40 -0500

On 5/16/2013 9:32 AM, Brad Coish wrote:
> I'm trying to build libcurl libraries for OpenVMS (both Alpha and Itanium)
> using latest available cURL sources (version 7.30.0 from
> ).
> The binary distribution works fine, but I need a C/C++ callable interface to
> eliminate needless spawning of CURL.EXE.

The procedure will build a curllib.olb procedure that is
C/C++ callable.

I have been trying to find time to build a binary kit with a shared
image for the last few months.

> I extracted the archive to my personal directory:

> DSA0:[BH.CURL_7_30_0]
> Executing the script from the [.PACKAGE.VMS] subdirectory
> yields:
> CC (opts) $1$DKC0:[BH.CURL-7_30_0.LIB]ASYN-ARES.C;1

Something is very odd. DSA0: is the name of a vms shadow device, and
$1DKC0: is a physical VMS device.

Why are two different physical device names showing up?

> #include "config_vms.h"
> .^
> %CC-F-NOINCLFILEF, Cannot find file "config_vms.h" specified in
> #include directive.
> at line number 1438 in file
> $1$DKC0:[BH.curl-7_30_0.packages.vms.ALPHA]CURL_CONFIG.H;1
> The config_vms.h was created but resides in DSA0:[BH.CURL-7_30_0].

And the sets up the C compiler to look in that directory
and some others when doing a compile. So where is the $1$dkc0: coming from?

> As a work-around... I copied the config_vms.h file into the
> [.PACKAGES.VMS.ALPHA] directory but the build then fails with:
> CC (opts) $1$DKC0:[BH.CURL-7_30_0.LIB]ASYN-ARES.C;1
> #include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
> .^
> %CC-F-NOINCLFILEF, Cannot find file <gnutls/gnutls.h> specified in
> #include directive.
> at line number 108 in file $1$DKC0:[BH.curl-7_30_0.lib]urldata.h;1
> For my current needs I don't require SSL or TLS support. I see from the
> script that one could use NOSSL, however there is no option to
> turn off GNUTLS (or any other possible GNU libraries)

There is no gnutls.h header file on VMS. The only option is building
with or with out OpenSSL by using the NOSSL option if an OpenSSL is

> I checked the archive and the last traffic circa Mar 2013 implies
> outstanding problems with the VMS build had been addressed. Any
> suggestions / guidance would be appreciated.

I was able to build the Curl program on VAX, Alpha, and Itanium.

It is looking like something in your environment is interfering with the

The reference to both a shadow device DSA0: and a physical device
$1$DKC0: for your build directory is very unusual.

Personal Opinion Only

List admin:
Received on 2013-05-25