cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: The FTP problem that turns out to be SFTP

From: Guenter <>
Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2012 07:18:03 +0100

Hi Michael,
Am 06.01.2012 10:09, schrieb Daniel Stenberg:
> On Fri, 6 Jan 2012, Michael Lam wrote:
>> I believe we have no permission to access that folder.
> $ curl -v -T README sftp://localhost/root/ -u myownuser:
> curl: (9) Upload failed: Permission denied (3/-31)
> $ echo $?
> 9
same here
> I also tried with a missing target directory and then I get
> curl: (78) Upload failed: No such file or directory (2/-31)
same here
> My tests run on linux using the git version against an OpenSSH_5.9p1
> server.
tested with exact same binary you are using (since I'm the one who
builds it); so I can really not see where an issue might be; to me it
looks that the Win64 version behaves exactly the same as on Linux.
In addition I did also test with a valid path and user, and I got return
value 0 as to be expected.

Therefore I can only suggest that you make some tests yourself with a
simple batchfile like this:

curl -s -k -v -u myusername: --key C:\temp2\keys\id_rsa --pubkey
C:\temp2\keys\ -T c:\temp2\test4.txt
@echo Errorlevel: %ERRORLEVEL%

to make sure the issue is not with your app code.


List admin:
Received on 2012-01-07