cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: PATCH: Establishing data connections in FTP has been made non-blocking for multi interface

From: Gokhan Sengun <>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2011 08:40:49 +0200

> I think it will be a good idea to simulate not-immediately-available-but-
>> **after-a-while-available-data-**connection-establishment-case with a
>> test. I do not have much experience with the test system to simulate this.
> Well, the problem with simulating long/slow latency is not so much about
> the test systsem but just plain technology: there aren't really any good
> portable ways to do it. When running on Linux and I want to do some manual
> tests I usually do the tc-trick I wrote up here:
> ... but we run the test suite on a wide range of machines so I would much
> rather have a portable approach. One of course requiring root access is out
> of the question for normal tests.
> Is there a way to cheat and get almost the same effect?

I do not have a clue. I just can think of having a debug option to cause
function AllowServerConnect() to fake that the data connection could not be
established immediately to let other parts of code to hit.

List admin:
Received on 2011-12-26