cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Active FTP failures while lacking available file handles

From: Gokhan Sengun <>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 14:50:55 +0200

> The case below however requires monitoring of both control and data
>> connection via poll...
> <150
>>> Curl calls AllowServerConnect
>>> <425
> Correct, and I that's what I said as well. It too needs the code to be
> adjusted so that we monitor the control connection while waiting for the
> data connection to connect.
Hello Daniel,

Regarding bug #3429299, I have some bandwidth to work on the issue and fix
this one in addition to making FTP data connection non-blocking.

Doing these will require monitoring two sockets at a time and saving
connection state before data connection is tried to be established. I have
a road map to follow but I would like to ask you first, if you are already
working on the issues above and avoid duplicate work.

Also, have you already planned the interface with which curl is going to
monitor two sockets?

List admin:
Received on 2011-12-08