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RE: What is the Best way to compile libCURL with OpenSSL & ZLIB

From: Ambuj Jain <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 02:00:19 -0700

Am Mi, 18.05.2011, 09:58 schrieb Ambuj Jain:
> combinations. Please suggest me what is the best way for compiling these
> libraries.
> What are the differences in the below combinations.
> 1. If we compile OpenSSL without ZLIB, but libCURL with ZLIB

Sounds like there would be no ZLIB support within OpenSSL then, however
size of resultign libcurl is not decreased - No point in that - at least
not from my point of view.

> 2. If we compile OpenSSL with ZLIB and also compile libCURL with

That sounds good. All features enabled for both libs - why would you want
to have it any other way??

As per my understanding here, the application payload first gets compressed by libCurl and then resulting libcurl data again be compressed by OpenSSL. Is it true?

> 3. If we compile OpenSSL with ZLIB, but libCURL without ZLIB

Why? You already included the ZLIB with the OpenSSL build... so this
doesn't make sense to me. I can't see a reason for that - excepct if you
want to disable gzip decompression of http responses.

I am using libcurl library just for https communication..

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