cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: libcurlnet.dll not working on .net webserver

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 16:49:39 +0100 (CET)

On Tue, 21 Dec 2010, soppie wrote:

> We're using curl for .net for the first time in a .net webapp. Only dropped
> libcurl.dll, LibCurlNet.dll and LibCurlShim.dll in the bin.

What libcurl version?

> fine when we run the webapp on a local test client machine (with visual
> webdeveloper express for example / target .NET 3.5), but doesn't work on a
> live environment webserver 2K3 / 32 bits / IIS 6 / .NET 3.5. The curl POST
> request doesn't give any error in codefile (through try - catch) and no
> further info is found in network/process monitor on server.

And what does a VERBOSE libcurl output show?

> After some digging (because the network traffic wasn't visible in fiddler)
> we used the proxy option to use port 8888 and in a local test we saw the
> curl generated traffic which was okay and doing what's supposed to be done.
> So we used the same proy setting in the live environment but no traffic
> showed up in fiddler on the webserver and no errors are detected in process
> monitors etc.
> Now where in the dark what's causing the LibCurlNet.dll not to workon our
> webserver.

The .NET binding is not widely used so I would suggest you start your
debugging ventures with doing a simple app that uses plain libcurl to see that
it works like that before you try the binding.

You basically need to do basic debugging here, there's no magic way to find
and fix errors.

List admin:
Received on 2010-12-21