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Re: What do you see in a future curl?

From: Joost Huizinga <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 16:56:40 +0200

On 19 aug 2010, at 15:21, Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Aug 2010, Joost Huizinga wrote:
>> One item we have been looking into lately is overcoming the inefficiencies of the TCP protocol when it comes to long distance connections. Do you think that a libcurl running atop UDT ( is something that feasible at all?
> Well, libcurl does application layer protocols and transports using them. I'm not aware of any such protocol that uses "UDT" or similar UDP-based transports to overcome some of TCP's problems. And I don't see any such protocol getting any noticable popularity. So no, I don't see any such attempt coming to libcurl in the short term.
> What particular use do you see for it and where/how would you use it?

Not sure what you mean by 'them' in your first sentence, nevertheless: UDT is being advertised as having an API very similar to sockets, which would make it fairly straightforward to move other applications / application layer protocols using sockets to UDT. A couple of applications exist that makes use of it.

The use would to transfer data to places in the world that haven't got high bandwidth and in particular a low latency. Those places now suffer from low download rates. UDT or in general UDP-based transports seem to overcome that issue. I do agree that the solutions do not seem very popular, so if you see alternatives...

- Joost
List admin:
Received on 2010-08-19