cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Support of the Web Socket protocol - API

From: Alexandre Morgaut <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 14:25:31 +0200

Hi Daniel,

nice to meet you :-)

Here some suggestions (I don't care the letter to use for the options)

curl ws://

using stdin and stdout
for "ws://" and "wss://" and schemes

with default timeout and max-lifetime values

options :

-K / --connect-timeout Maximum time of the connection
-m / --max-time Maximum time between frames
-o / --output output file (or folder)
-x / --extension extension name
-f / --base-filename base filename of generated files from frames

Logger example:

curl -o log.txt ws://

I'd like to be able to specify a folder in which each received frame would be stored as an independent files:

curl -o picts/ -f pict -x jpg ws://

 - pict1.jpg
 - pict2.jpg
 - pict3.jpg

(with -x for extension name)

On the other side we could specify a folder to output with one frame by file and a delay between each frames (--input / -I )

these are just quick ideas ;-)
List admin:
Received on 2010-04-30