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cURL curl-7.20.1-20100304 v. VMS

From: Steven M. Schweda <>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 14:13:48 -0600 (CST)

   While fooling around with a recent snapshot (curl-7.20.1-20100304)


  return (unsigned short)(ulnum & (unsigned long) CURL_MASK_USHORT);
%CC-E-UNDECLARED, In this statement, "CURL_MASK_USHORT" is not declared.
at line number 81 in file DISK$UTIL5ALPX:[UTILITY.SOURCE.curl.curl-7^.20^.1-20100304.lib]warnless.c;1

  return (int)(uznum & (size_t) CURL_MASK_SINT);
%CC-E-UNDECLARED, In this statement, "CURL_MASK_SINT" is not declared.
at line number 117 in file DISK$UTIL5ALPX:[UTILITY.SOURCE.curl.curl-7^.20^.1-20100304.lib]warnless.c;1

Apparently, the manually made "packages/vms/config-vms.h" has fallen
behind. (Like, I'd guess, (m)any other manually made "config-XXX.h"

   Seems to work, and easier to compare for missing new stuff:

There are likely to be more HAVE_xxx macros which could be defined, at
least in some environments, but I didn't try to get all optimal and
stuff in the first pass. I also didn't discard the old revision
history comments, but their value is in some doubt. I did throw out
several old macros which don't appear in "src/" (or any
source code other than other obsolete "config-XXX.h" files).


   Steven M. Schweda
   382 South Warwick Street (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul MN 55105-2547
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Received on 2010-03-04