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Re: new project file and README for Visual Studio 2005

From: Klaus Darilion <>
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 18:22:50 +0100

Hi Pierre!

Pierre Joye wrote:
> hi
> I always wonder what is so hard to use the makefile?

I started using the makefile, but sadly failed. IIRC using nmake in a
platform SDK shell to build 64bit did not worked out of the box. Further
I did not understand the possible targets (dll, static with VCRT dll,
static with VRCT linked statically). I also failed integrating a
makefile project into Visual Studio - I was not able to make separate
debug/release builds.

For me it was easier using and adopting a VS project file, probably
because I am more used to it than to makefiles and I could not find an
documentation about the makefile targets.

> I'm not saying
> that sln are not useful, but in the case of this library, the makefile
> works pretty well and relatively up to date. That being said, I still
> have to provide the patch to add support for SSH :) (src available
> here:
> The good think with makefile is that they can work with all VC
> versions ( I use them for VC6/9/10, x86 and x64).
> Would it not simpler to use only them and provide sample SLN for curl
> applications instead?

Would this also allow to build all targets at the same time? I usually
use the "batch build" to make all targets for all platforms at once.

In the VS project file I use macros like $(PlatformName) and
$(ConfigurationName) for the location of the output files. Is this also
used in the makefiles, or will an nmake in a 64bit shell overwrite the
previously created library created with nmake in a 32bit shell?


> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Klaus Darilion
> <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Attached is an extended version of the Visual Studio 2005 project file
>> (lib/libcurl.vcproj).

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Received on 2009-12-01