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Re: libcurl tftp (was: problem with large files)

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 09:14:57 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 7 Aug 2009, wrote:

> I just gave it a shot, copying the patched tftp.c version from 7.16.2 to
> 7.16.6, adjusting the Curl_handler, patched urldata.h CLOSEACTION.


> Patch for curl-7.19.6-20090806 is attached, I'd be glad if you could manage
> to apply it after 7.19.6 release, and take care of tftp large file support
> afterwards, taking the new tftp code.

Markus, you truly made my day here! Thanks a lot for this, and I agree
completely with you that this is the only sensible approach to drag TFTP into
the proper libcurl design.

I only gave the pach a quick glance so far, and I may not dig into it properly
until after 7.19.6, but I noticed two things:

- PROT_TFTP /* protocol */
+ PROT_FTP /* protocol */

Surely the protocol is still TFTP ?

- conn->bits.close = TRUE; /* we don't keep TFTP connections up bascially
- because there's none or very little gain for UDP
- */
+ conn->bits.close = TRUE; /* always close */

This seems a bit of a waste since you only remove the little explanation I had
added there...

Received on 2009-08-07