cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: trouble with libcurl on Windows

From: Andrei Jakab <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 23:19:36 +0200

> I have the same problem! Why is there no detailed and totally correct
> list where all steps are descripted???
I've been using libcurl on Windows for half a year now. The only troubles
I've had was getting it to play nice with libssh2 and OpenSSL, which is why
I created this guide:
o-2008.pdf. In there I explain how to create a static version of the
library and how to link it to your project.

> It's really hard to implent curl into a project. I have never seen a
> lib that was so difficult to implent! This should be improved!!
I'll create a solution file containing two projects, one for compiling a
.dll with its associated import library and one for compiling a static lib.
My only question is how can I submit my patch once it's ready?
Received on 2009-01-24