Re: curl_easy_recv link error
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 16:58:20 +0100
Addition: DON'T get the 7.16.4 source! It is OLD. I made the same mistake
before... ;)
However, it works fine in VS7.1! With VS2008 you will get errors.
2009/1/23 Christian <>
> try to do these steps:
> 1.
> Download the source <> and
> load lib\curllib.vcproj in Visual Studio
> 2.
> In curllib project properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code
> Generation->Runtime Library change the value to Multi-Threaded /MT [assuming
> a release build] so it correctly builds as a static library
> 3.
> Then in the project you intend to use libcurl - in the preprocessor
> section, define CURL_STATICLIB and add the curl include directories
> 4.
> In the linker section add curllib.lib<>,
> ws2_32.lib, winmm.lib
> I think it is also important to make the static lib (~1MB) with the same vs
> with which you wanna use it later.
> hope this helps.
> cheers
> Christian Buntrock
> 2009/1/23 ChristinaPSU <>
>> When I downlaoded the MSVC libs and added libcurl.lib to the project, I
>> got the link errors down to just one. Any idea what lib curl_easy_recv is
>> in?
>> Thanks!!
>> 1>libcurlWrapper.lib(CurlWrapper.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external
>> symbol __imp__curl_easy_recv referenced in function "public: class
>> std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class
>> std::allocator<char> > __thiscall CurlWrapper::RecieveReply(void)"
>> (?RecieveReply_at_CurlWrapper@@QAE?AV?$basic_string_at_DU?$char_traits_at_D@std@
>> @V?$allocator_at_D@2@@std@@XZ)
Received on 2009-01-23