RE: CURL Post Form data
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:13:54 +0530
Thank's for your support Dan..
I am able to post the form to the URL now, the field value which was
incrementing was the culprit and at run time we captured field value and
posted it along with the form-data. Now the problem is like..
These are the steps we have to perform for sending request form the URL.
1) Get the initial page.
2) Upload the file using browse option. It will be post to URL
3) click on send. It will be second post to URL.
The problem is when I upload the file a form-data will be posted to URL
and also it will update the field name values
(this is happening perfectly I can see the field values assigned to the
filed names of the form after post is done to the URL).
These field values will be sent as request when I click on the send
button, which is again a post of form data with previosly updated
In this case the form data which will be posted have filename as null
and rest of the field names will be the one which were updated while
uploading the file. Here our post is failing and server seems to have no
effect of the post.
Can you help me in this regard ?
And one more question is
Suppose I did a post to the Url, it updated the field values.
During my second post to this URL will these field values be there for
the second post or we have to provide these values again in the form
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dan Fandrich
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: CURL Post Form data
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:31:29AM +0530,
> Yes, the field that changes, is submitted evey time. Every time we
> login to the URL, intial value of this field will be some non
> predictable value. For every we docurl_easy_perfom(), it will get
> I tried with capturing the previous value and submiting this field in
> the form after incrementing it. But no improvement shown.
> Can we do anything for this issue ?
You'll have to reverse engineer the Javascript yourself to find out how
that field is calculated and then do the same thing in your app.
>>> Dan
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