Re: license question
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:16:26 -0700
That would be awesome to have a deffinitive list of credits or
instructions that would allow you to satisfy the licensing for the
entire package and what it links to.
As it is, a lot of companies shy away from anything even resembling a
legal risk and it's hard to convince people sometimes (pointy haired
bosses) that open sourced/free software is good, and secure and is ok
to use so having something like that would deffinately help :P
On 3/12/08, Alessandro Vesely <> wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Gary Maxwell wrote:
> >>>> I know about including the license.txt requirement but i was
> >>>> wondering is there anything else?
> >
> > To keep a list of the copyright holders/licenses makes a product easier
> > to manage.
> Actually, I didn't realize that such a list already exists in
> We also have the inverse list:
> >>> Nope. Although you should rather ask a lawyer about legal issues.
> >
> > However, a lawyer is not required free software.
> Typo, I meant "for (using|copying|distribute)" free software...
> >> Along the same lines, there are other open source software modules
> >> included in libcurl. A brief scan reveals the following at a minimum:
> >> inet_ntop.c, inet_pton.c: Internet Software Consortium
> >> krb4.c, krb5.c, security.c: Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (with
> >> further enhancements by Daniel)
> >> md5.c: RSA Data Security, Inc.
> With my obsolete (3.02) version of sed I get
> $ find . -name '*.c' |\
> xargs sed -n '/Copyright/s/^.*[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-, ]*//gp' |\
> sort | uniq
> . All
> Damien Miller <>
> Daniel Stenberg
> Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
> David Odin (aka DindinX) for MandrakeSoft */
> Dominick Meglio
> Internet Software Consortium.
> Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
> Regents of the University of California.
> The OpenEvidence Project. All rights reserved.
> The Regents of the University of California.
> by Daniel Stenberg et al
> by Dominick Meglio
> by Internet Software Consortium.
> by Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
> by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
> >> Although all of these can be freely used, it would be keeping in
> >> the spirit (and letter) of these licenses to include their attribution
> >> and copyright notices in the COPYING file and on the online license
> >> page (
> Since "pushed" contributions have donated formal copyright ownership
> according to , it is
> probably sufficient to include in the copyright page a list of the
> "pulled" ones (e.g. manually rearranging the output above), as well as
> advising that each added library deserves its own mention, in order
> to let commercial users fulfill more easily any legal obligation they
> feel appropriate.
Received on 2008-03-12