cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: [PATCH] support for server name indication (RFC 4366)

From: Peter Sylvester <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:46:20 +0100

Yang Tse wrote:
> Nearly all TLS extensions introduce a lower security/privacy SSL
> framework than when not used at all. So TLS extensions should be
> explicitly requested and not turned on by default. The security
> considerations are described in RFC 4366 section 6.
This applies to the TLS middle layer, i.e. the SSL machinery, not to the
applications or next layer middleware.
Why must an application permit end users to turn on/off certain features?

In this particular case: The security risk is what in this case?

   If a single server hosts several domains, then clearly it is
   necessary for the owners of each domain to ensure that this satisfies
   their security needs. Apart from this, server_name does not appear
   to introduce significant security issues.

The SNI extension is an addressing hack above the TCP layer,
with a similar purpose as the Host: header since the mapping of
host name to IP address/port is not an injection.

BTW: I am not sure but the provided patch should verify whether the
host part of the URL is an IP address or a DNS name. Only DNS
names are supported by the extension.
The application, i.e. curl must also respect the issue of internationalized
DNS names, I am not sure whether this is an issue for curl.

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Received on 2008-02-13