Re: SFTP Question
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 12:06:46 -0800
On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 11:01:45AM -0500, Dan Ledford wrote:
> When I try an SFTP transfer, curllib aborts with error 79 (Error in SSH Layer).
> I feel pretty sure that this issue is related to the curllib options that I am
> using (or not using) for the SFTP transfer. But, I cannot find an SFTP example
> in the curl web pages.
There are a few examples listed in the curl --manual.
> I see in previous emails to curl, that there is a regression test suite that is
> performed for each rendition of curllib and that this test suite includes SFTP
> transfers.
> Question:
> Can someone please publish one of the SFTP tests that are used in the
> regression tests?
The test suite is published with the curl source code. Look at the 600
series tests in tests/data/test6??.
>>> Dan
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