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Re: libcurl versus JAVA performance

From: Alan Wolfe <>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 17:23:47 -0700

I might be mistaken but i thought java was written in C++?

If that is indeed the case, java beating C++ in preformance just shows
that C++ still wins :P

On 9/30/07, Cory Nelson <> wrote:
> On 9/30/07, Serge Skorokhodov <> wrote:
> > Well, Java seems to do pretty well with recursion, really. Still I you
> > switch for more efficient iteration versions of algorithms, C/C++ is
> > ~30% better than Java as expected. And -server does worse than
> > -client. At least it seems to be so for fibonacci sample. Try
> > something like this:
> My general opinion on the subject:
> Java/.NET provide good facilities for rapid development. In general
> use, some of these might even be more performant than their standard
> C++ counterparts. The difference is: with C++ you can really optimize
> the hell out of something if you need to, while with Java it is out of
> your hands. Just try implementing page-aligned I/O buffers or a
> lock-free arena allocator in Java!
> So even if Java's implementation is more efficient than libcurl right
> now, we can always do better in the end.
> --
> Cory Nelson
Received on 2007-10-01