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Re: Send post data without recieving contents

From: Emil Romanus <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 04:25:10 +0200

2007/8/20, Brandon <>:
> I want to post data to a website, but I don't want it to transfer the
> contents of the page back to my script, at all really. Is this possible?
> CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER doesn't seem to do what I want.

If you add the easy handle to a multi interface, you will get more control
over what happens. I'm not sure if it can be useful.

Have you tried setting the CURLOPT_NOBODY option?

If you can't find a solution, I'd suggest writing a callback function for
the CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION. The callback function should simply return
size*nmem and do nothing else.
Received on 2007-08-20