cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


The Make File fails

From: Mathew Simon <>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 00:17:31 -0500


I was trying to compile libssh2 in Mingw32 for ultimately compiling
LIBCURL with SSH2 support. I used the "Makefile.win32", and had to
suppress the "AWK" statement since the AWK utility is not available in
Windows. But the script still fails with the following message.

Creating release/
Creating release/libssh2.res
Windres: release/libssh2.rc:2: syntax error
Mingw32-make: [relase/libssh2.res] Error 1
rm rlease/libssh2.rc

Any help will be appreciated.

Received on 2007-08-18