Re: Problem with Location header redirect
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 17:34:39 +0200
According to the firefox source when neither Transfer-encoding or
Content-length headers are set they are just read the content and wait for
the server to close the connection.
from the firefox 2.0 source
lines 896 - 927
if (mChunkedDecoder) {
// give the buf over to the chunked decoder so it can reformat the
// data and tell us how much is really there.
rv = mChunkedDecoder->HandleChunkedContent(buf, count, contentRead,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
else if (mContentLength >= nsInt64(0)) {
// HTTP/1.0 servers have been known to send erroneous Content-Length
// headers. So, unless the connection is persistent, we must make
// allowances for a possibly invalid Content-Length header. Thus, if
// NOT persistent, we simply accept everything in |buf|.
if (mConnection->IsPersistent()) {
nsInt64 remaining = mContentLength - mContentRead;
nsInt64 count64 = count;
*contentRead = PR_MIN(count64, remaining);
*contentRemaining = count - *contentRead;
else {
*contentRead = count;
// mContentLength might need to be increased...
nsInt64 position = mContentRead + nsInt64(count);
if (position > mContentLength) {
mContentLength = position;
else {
// when we are just waiting for the server to close the connection...
// (no explicit content-length given)
*contentRead = count;
I'm now trying to find how they check whether there is more data on the
Dobromir Velev
On 12/5/06, Daniel Stenberg < > wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Dobromir Velev wrote:
> > Here is the patch which works with my case. It is done against the
> > 7.16.0version
> ...
> > + else if (data->reqdata.newurl && k->size == -1 && !conn->bits.chunk&&
> > !conn->bits.close){
> > + /* Location redirect without Content-length ot Transfer Encoding
> > headers
> > + * Hopefully all data has been read from the connection so we can
> > stop
> > + * waiting for data and continue with the next request.
> > + */
> The "Hopefully" part here is really the key issue I have with this
> approach.
> It is very error-prone and may not even work for your case every time.
> So even though I am eager have libcurl work at least as fine as the
> browsers
> on the given input, I would rather see a more reliable and predictable fix
> than this. Sorry.
> It would be interesting to know how the Firefox guys have approached this
> problem...
> --
> Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
-- Dobromir Velev --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity"Received on 2006-12-07