cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


libcurl getaddrinfo(3) - Couldn't Resolve Host

From: Sean Everson <>
Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 15:40:35 -0400

Hello all,

I am trying to set up an application that uses libcurl. This
application ( runs as a CGI under apache. Whenever
AST tries to use curl I see the following errors:

getaddrinfo (3) failed for
Couldn't resolve host ''
Closing connection #0

getaddrinfo (3) failed for
Couldn't resolve host ''
Closing connection #0

When I use the curl command line utility I can access these sites
without issue.

Based on the docs I can see that getaddrinfo is only used on machines
that are IPV6 capable. I am running Fedora Core 4 with all the updates,
but I have disabled IPV6 support as I don't need it.

I recompiled curl 7.15.3 with IPV6 disabled (configure --disable-ipv6 )
and then recompiled AST. I still see the same errors.

Is there any more that needs to be done to build curl without support
for getaddrinfo? I believe that if I can force curl to use
gethostbyname I can get this app to work.

What are the proper steps for building curl to support only IPV4 and to
use gethostbyname() exclusively?

Thanks for your help!

Sean Everson
sean at everson dot ws

Received on 2006-05-05