cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Activestate Perl and libcurl on Windows

From: Mohun Biswas <>
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 11:28:45 -0500

Kevin Carothers wrote:
> Hey to All,
> I know this is a dead horse beaten to death a dozen times...
> Is there an easy way to install libCurl on ActiveState Perl under Windows?

Since it's Saturday morning, perhaps I'll be the first to give the
standard answer for this list: that horse may have been beaten to death
but if so the crime occurred in another jurisdiction. This list is for
the real, underlying libcurl which is a C library. There are a large
number of wrappers to accommodate libcurl to Java, Perl, PHP, and so on
but they all have their own lists. Or else they don't, but in either
case that question belongs to the owner of the wrapper.

It's not a question of willingness to help, but rather that the experts
you seek are elsewhere.

Received on 2006-02-11