cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail



From: Philippe Vaucher <>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 14:48:44 +0100

>I'm quite sure it was _not_. I work with the CVS version and only very
>occationally step outside that area, so it was made against the CVS version -
>but it is usually OK anyway. Apparently not in this case.

ah ok :)
Should I try the CVS version ?

>BTW, how come your FTP server connection seemingly dies between your two
>requests? In an attempt to repeat your problem I use proftpd 1.2.10 as well,
>but my connection remains alive between my two "transfers".

Well, that was one of the things I wondered why it happened too...
Because there is no reasons for it to happen.

This evening I'll try with different FTP servers, but I'm
almost sure it's not because of it. Did you manage to reproduce
the bug or should I suspect a machine configuration problem from
my part ? Btw, "make test" failed some of the tests but it was mostly
because of ipv6 not supported or silly stuffs like that, are you interested
if I run make test again and send you the results ?

Thank you,
Received on 2006-02-07