linking statically using MS Visual C
From: Jim Napier <>
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 12:43:44 -0700
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 12:43:44 -0700
Since I upgraded to 7.13.1 from 7.11.1 and started adding -DCURL_STATICLIB
to my cl.exe CFLAGS options, in addition to my app.exe file I also see an
app.lib and an app.exp file that are now created but never used to be
there. This occurs during the linking phase and the linker now prints out a
message about creating the files that it didn't used to display. Here's a
sample of the link command I'm using:
link.exe -nologo -subsystem:console -machine:I386 -out:dist/bin/app.exe
object1.obj object2.obj libcurl.lib
Any idea why this changed? And what is the significance of the new files?
Received on 2005-04-05