cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Debugging test 56 problem

From: Tor Arntsen <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 15:38:56 +0100

I've started to look into why test 56 started failing on Irix 6.2 a while ago.

However, I'm at a loss as to where to begin. I have run test 56 manually on
this platform as well as on Irix 6.5 (where it passes) and been looking at
files in the tests/log/ directory, but I can't see any obvious error
messages, or any other hints. The content of the files are slightly different
between the two platforms, but again, I don't know how to interpret that one
way or another.
In the past when I've been looking at failed tests there were always something
distinct that failed, and thus much easier to debug.

I looked at the autobuild pages around the time when the problem first occured,
and I remember that only the o32 build failed the first day while the next day
both the o32 and n32 builds failed. Those logs are long gone from the web page
of course, but as I keep all logs locally I should be able to find them if

Any clues as to what I should look for would be appreciated.

Received on 2005-02-21