cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Progress callback frequency

From: David Eklund <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 15:00:58 -0800

Apologies if this is documented somewhere, but I haven't been able to
find it...

When using the CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, how often and under what
criteria does the progress function get called? Is it based on amount of
data pulled down (eg. for every 10 kb), after a certain amount of time
(eg. every second), or some other basis?

Reason I ask is that in my usage of it so far the progress function has
seemed rather unresponsive - that is, only being updated every couple of
seconds. This wouldn't be a big deal for a console app, but when using a
graphical application I've come to expect a more rapid (or in this case
more frequent) feedback.

Finally, is there any way to change how frequently it gets called? I'm
guessing the answer is essentially "no," but it can't hurt to ask.

David Eklund

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