cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: libcurl and ares

From: <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 16:26:31 -0000

> Not everyone will need to apply any patches to it. But yes, I agree with
your general description. It is not what I consider a "standard" library.
Well at this point you're right, but ares hasn't been developed in what...
over a year? I'm sure as people look at the code more and more bugs are going
to be found and therefore the patch is going to be needed by everyone.

> > I'm sure, eventually, someone is going to get IPv6 support working in ares
> > (I've tried myself a few times but failed miserably), so that will be
> > another patch people have to install.
> I haven't even been close to attempt anything in that area yet...
Heh well, I kinda need Ipv6 in my program, so I'm pretty anxious to get it
working. Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about the DNS protocol and
even less about how ares works, so I suppose I'm just setting myself up for
failure :)
> - Thus, the standard curl release source archive remains ares-less.
> Good enough?
Sounds ok to me.

Dominick Meglio

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Received on 2003-10-06