Re: my curl involvement for the rest of 2003
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 09:32:06 +0200
Good luck with your new exciting projects!!
At 00:15 24/06/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi friends and curlers,
>This is information on my plans for curl-related hacking for the rest of this
>year. It may or may not interest you. :-)
> I'm not doing any long and distant travelling this year, for the first time
> in many years, so I'll be around more than usual during this summer-time. I
> will of course take periods off and thus I'll be away during parts of at
> least the month of July.
> I trust there will still be enough bright people around to keep up with
> questions and related issues brought here.
> Me and my wife, Anja, have bought a house and we're moving to it after the
> summer. Late August or early September. This is of course gonna force me to
> take a break from curl-hacking and computing in general. I also fear I'll
> get a several-weeks long gap in my ADSL connection as well, when I move it
> from my appartment to my house.
> Not long after we move, we expect to become parents. I've never been a
> parent before, but people tell me it is taking a large portion of your time
> weather you want it or not, and while hacking curl is great fun, I do
> put my real-life and family before curl in my prio-list! ;-)
> All this will make my presence and postings to the list less frequent
> starting for real in mid-August, and I expect that my curl-hacking time
> will be very limited at least from that on through the rest of the year.
> I don't plan to do anything extra to cover for this, as I don't think it is
> a reason for any particular action. It will however put more responsibility
> on others if things are gonna happen, bugs be fixed, feature be added etc.
> If not, they simply will have to wait until life permits more activity
> again.
> Daniel Stenberg -- curl: been grokking URLs since 1998
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Received on 2003-06-24